Top 10 OT Security Podcasts


OT, or Operational Technology, is all around us from industrial control systems (ICS) in manufacturing plants to the systems which control power grids. As this technology gets more connected and organizations look to extract data from their assets, cybersecurity becomes more important.

Although the field of OT/ICS security is relatively new, it is an interesting and vibrant part of the wider cyber security industry and as a result a number of podcasts have appeared which can provide interesting insights and up to date information on technology and trends.

There are many places to find podcasts, making it easy to find and subscribe to your favorites. Popular options include:

To start listening or subscribe, you can either follow the links below, or search for the podcast title in your chosen app.

Hack the Plant

Hack the Plan[e]t is a podcast from the non-profit ICS Village organization. The host Bryson Bort is well known in the industry and leads interesting interviews with a wide range of guests on OT security topics like 'Threats to Industrial Control Systems', 'Wind energy cybersecurity challenges' and 'The future of cybersecurity education'.

Control Loop: The OT Cybersecurity Podcast

Control Loop is produced fortnightly by CyberWire and sponsored by Dragos. Each episode features a summary of industry news as well as a learning segment with an industry expert.

The PrOTect OT Cybersecurity Podcast

The PrOTect OT Cybersecurity podcast is produced by Industrial Defender, an OT security platform vendor. The podcast was launched in 2023, with each episode featuring their CTO interviewing a different guest. Subjects and sectors included Transport, SBOM, NERC SIP, ISA/IEC 62443, OT/IT Convergence and much more.

(CS)2AI Podcast Show: Control System Cyber Security

(CS)2AI is the Control System Cyber Security Association International, a global non-profit which supports professionals responsible for securing control systems. The show has released over 100 episodes since launching in 2021. Episodes are between 30 minutes and an hour, with host Derek Harp interviewing control system cyber security leaders from around the world.

The Industrial Security Podcast

The Industrial Security Podcast comes from Waterfall who are well known in OT for their unidirectional security gateways. The podcast is hosted by their VP Industrial Strategy Andrew Ginter and typically features cyber leaders from other organizations in the industry. Some of the episodes are more technical on topics like Network Segmentation and USB Firmware Attacks, whilst others look at areas like Demystifying Cyber Jobs and Risk in Context.

Podomation - All things automation and Industrial Cybersecurity

Podomation was launched by the International Society of Automation (ISA) in 2023. ISA are a global organization responsible for developing the ISA 62443 set of cybersecurity standards for industrial automation and control systems alongside other industrial and automation standards and working groups.

Podomation brings in guests from across the automation and control community with topics including industry 4.0 and digital transformation as well as operational technology cybersecurity.

ICS Pulse

The ICS Pulse podcast comes from the Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse media outlet. The podcast is hosted by Gary Cohen and Tyler Wall, with episodes covering major industrial cyber security topics and industry exports. Past episodes have included:

Today with ISSSource

Like the ISSSource website, their podcast focuses on safety and security in an industrial context with topics ranging from 'Digitalization and Safety' to 'Launching an ISA/IEC 62443-driven Cybersecurity Program'

Error Code

Error Code is a bi-weekly podcast launched in 2022. Each episode is about 40 minutes and dives into specific areas of OT security like 'Hacking Hardware', 'Hacking the Power Grid' and 'Quantifying Risk in IoT and OT Systems'.

Nexus: A Claroty Podcast

Claroty is another OT cyber platform vendor. Their podcast, Nexus, is hosted by Claroty's Editorial director and features 'discussions with cybersecurity leaders, researchers, innovators, and influencers, discussing the topics affecting cybersecurity professionals in OT, IoT, and IoMT environments.'

Podcast topics in the past have ranged from 'A Decade of Corporate Ransomware Attacks' to 'ICS Cybersecurity Training' and from 'The EvilPLC Attack' to 'Protecting the AI Lifecycle'.


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